What They Are & How You Can Get One

August 2024 · 11 minute read

Are you sitting at your desk and dreaming of the wonderful world of EFL teacher jobs? If you are, becoming an EFL teacher at home or abroad can be a good way to inject a heavy dose of adventure into your humdrum life. However, don’t be one of those ESL and EFL noobs who think that teaching English is all the same, whether you teach it in a native-speaking country or not. 

EFL teacher jobs

What is an EFL teacher? An inspirer. A motivator. A person with a big heart for the world.

Sorry to break it you y’all, but all EFL teacher jobs are not the same. Teaching English as a foreign language is different depending on the context you’re working in.

You may find yourself at a language center in New York teaching immigrants from Mexico, Nigeria, or Indonesia. On the other hand, you could be working as an assistant teacher at a public school in Germany or Thailand, helping the lead teacher bring fun into those boring grammar lessons.

Read on to learn the inside scoop on EFL teacher jobs abroad—and how you can find your own. 

EFL teacher FAQs

Because you’re probably new to the world of ESL and EFL, you’re bound to be brimming with questions. No worries! We’ve got the answers to your most pressing FAQs about the industry. We’re gonna break it down and save you that digital eye strain.

ESL and EFL: What’s the diff?

In theory, ESL stands for English as a Second Language. “ESL” is usually used to refer to English language teaching to students in countries where English is the official or national language. For example, in India, English is one of the official languages, so students do ESL. As well, if a non-native English speaker decides to emigrate to the US, that person will have to learn ESL to survive. 

EFL teacher jobs

Grab your best friend & find EFL teaching jobs together!

On the other hand, EFL stands for English as a Foreign Language. “EFL” is generally used in countries that don’t use English as their official or national language. For instance, in Taiwan, students speak Taiwanese Mandarin and learn EFL.

[TEFL, TESL, TESOL - What's the Difference?]

The difference is very important because it affects how to teach EFL and how to teach ESL. For instance, in an ESL class in Canada, you’re likely to meet a host of students who speak different languages. They will have different issues with the target language so you may have to correct mistakes mainly on an individual basis.

On the flipside, EFL classes tend to have only speakers of one language. For instance, in an EFL class in France, you’re most likely to teach only French speakers. This makes your life a whole lot easier because if many students keep making the same mistakes, you can teach the whole class. 

Another important difference between ESL and EFL students is a question of exposure to English. For instance, it may be difficult for Mandarin speaking students in China to be exposed to English on an everyday basis. Their exposure may also be lopsided, based on what they hear on Spotify or watch on YouTube. On the other hand, in an ESL country, students have many chances to practice what they learn because they are exposed to English on an everyday basis. Teachers should emphasize learning practical English they can use immediately in their living context. 

[Is TEFL or TESOL Better?]

Where can I find EFL teacher jobs?

There are tons of EFL teaching resources out there. First, check out GoAbroad's teaching abroad job board. Then, explore EFL job boards and EFL recruitment agencies but be careful. There are a lot of scammy jobs on offer so always choose reputable schools and program providers. One way to do this is to read alumni reviews very carefully. It’s important you know how to choose between teaching programs abroad wisely.

EFL teacher jobs

Use resources on GoAbroad to find awesome teach English abroad job postings.

However, the best way to check out job opps is to talk to people who actually work or have worked with the schools or program providers. Don’t just rely on what you see and read on flashy websites and social media accounts. It’s also best to go with a school or provider that will help you secure the right visa so that you can work in your chosen destination legally.

What’s a typical EFL teacher salary?

There is this misconception that ESL and EFL positions are only for babies just out of high school or college who want to travel for a bit and then return to their home countries to go to grad school or to get a real job. Guess what? EFL teacher jobs are real jobs! 

Your typical EFL teacher salary, however, is not a figure anyone can pluck from thin air. Read this to find out the truth behind your teaching abroad salary. Your pay all depends on which country you teach in and your employer.

[How Much do English Teachers Make Abroad?]

At the top of the EFL teacher salary food chain is the Middle East where you can make good money and save loads because of low taxes. If you have a valid teacher’s license from your home country, particularly if it’s the US, the UK, Canada, Australia, or New Zealand, the really good jobs will come flowing your way. Here, you can easily save ~$2000+ a month.

EFL teacher jobs

Different countries will have different salaries & EFL teaching materials. For instance, an EFL teacher in London might have more access to supplies than elsewhere.

There are also reasonably high EFL teacher salaries in Japan and Korea but don’t forget that the cost of living in these countries is also relatively high. The typical EFL teacher salary in Asia runs from ~$800 (in countries like Vietnam) to ~$2000+ (in Korea). In general, your salary in Europe, particularly Western Europe like Spain, may only allow you to break even at the end of each month. Expect to save around $500 monthly teaching in places like the Czech Republic. On the other hand, salaries can be cheap as chips in South American and certain Asian countries (here’s looking at you, Cambodia) but then again, the cost of living is also much lower. In these types of places, expect your earnings to range from ~$600-$1200 with little room for savings.

It also depends on your qualifications. If you’re better qualified than other job candidates, you can negotiate better pay and benefits. If you’re new to the game, you may find it easier to get jobs online where you teach students via programs like Skype. If you’re just cutting your teeth in the EFL teacher business, you may also find that some parts of Asia and South America welcome native speakers, regardless of their teaching experience and certifications. 

[6 Countries to Make (Serious) Money Teaching English]

Any more EFL teaching resources you can point me to?

The internet is a virtual rabbit hole when it comes to EFL teaching resources and it’s easy to get sucked in. Need an easy introduction to how to teach EFL? Read Teach English abroad: a step-by-step guide for beginners. Also, here’s how to compare teaching jobs abroad

Still dying to learn more about how to teach EFL? Check out 3 ESL lesson plans fit for any TEFL teacher and 11 kick-a$% ESL resources for teachers. While you’re at it, compare these 6 tips for teaching English to complete beginners with 7 advanced ESL lessons your students will love

Do I need EFL teacher training?

EFL teacher jobs

Complete EFL teacher training to learn the inside scoop on how to teach English as effectively as possible.

If you’ve studied TEFL, Linguistics, Education, or English Language at undergrad level, you’re qualified to teach English abroad. If you’re a licensed teacher, even better! However, graduates with degrees in other fields, have no fear. You can still get EFL teacher positions. 

That being said, the field can be quite competitive for newbie teachers so you should at least complete a standard 120 hour TEFL course. Your chosen course should also have a teaching practice component where your instructors observe you in the classroom. Of course there are online TEFL courses that don’t have this component. With that said, however, online courses are perfect for folks who just want to get their feet wet in EFL teaching training.

Without proper EFL teacher training, you may find yourself limited to jobs with long hours and crap pay. However, do note that EFL job descriptions are like snowflakes; no two are alike. Always do your research to find out whether you’re qualified for the job!

[10 Awesome Accredited TEFL Courses (And Why It Matters)]

If you find that you really like the EFL teacher business or that you’re super good at it, why not make it a lifelong career? One of the best ways to level up in the industry is to do some advanced EFL teacher training. Complete the gold standard TEFL courses like CELTA or Trinity CertTESOL to earn your employer’s respect. If you have already done these, consider more advanced courses or even a MA in TEFL to net the jobs with the best pay and perks.

Top EFL job providers to get you started

Want to find out more? Check out these four awesome program providers for starters and secure your dream EFL teaching job abroad ASAP!

ITA logo

1. International TEFL Academy (ITA)

ITA has been in the business for a while and definitely knows the EFL market inside out. It offers how EFL teacher training classes in 25 locations around the world as well as online courses. ITA also guarantees lifetime job assistance after you complete your program. With an alumni network of over 15,000 individuals, you know you’re in good company. 

Premier TEFL logo

2. Premier TEFL

Since 2013, Premier TEFL has helped more than 1000 teachers find great TEFL jobs worldwide. It matches teachers with positions that best suit their individual skills and goals. This program provider also offers much needed support when it comes to the nitty gritty stuff like your teaching contract. It also helps you during the bewildering process of leaving home and moving abroad to work.

ITTT logo

3. International TEFL and TESOL Training (ITTT)

ITTT offers a wide range of how to teach EFL courses to suit any English teacher hopeful. It’s based in several locations spread across 19 countries. Choose from face to face courses and online courses. Or, get the best of both worlds with its blended courses. ITTT also assures lifetime job support, CV and resume assistance, and access to EFL teaching resources. 

Maximo Nivel logo

4. Maximo Nivel

Since 2003, it's been offering high quality and affordable courses in Latin America. In particular, this popular program provider offers several TEFL options in Costa Rica, Guatemala, and Peru. It prides itself in offering comprehensive programs in a fun yet professional environment. After completing your course, you’re well equipped with EFL teaching resources to find good jobs in the region. 

[Browse ALL EFL Teaching Jobs Abroad]

Next steps to finding EFL jobs abroad

Don't pack your bags, pencils, and apple slicer juuuust yet. There are a few items on your teach abroad to do list you should check off first. Read on OR Watch our How to Teach English Abroad Guide.

How to Teach EFL Abroad in 6 Easy Steps

  • Decide where to go. Figuring out where to teach EFL abroad isn’t easy. Somewhere mountainous? Somewhere in Asia? Don't let the anything hold you back—choose a place that's right for you.
  • Get TEFL certified. Even if it is not required, this is a wise investment for future ESL teachers. It will give you absolutely everything you need to prepare for the classroom (well, except for an ability to think on your feet!).
  • Adults, kids, private schools, public schools? Spend time considering the type of teaching environment you'd most like to be involved in. You can choose from a range of ages, goals (for example, Business English versus Conversational English), and institutions, from one-on-one tutoring to university employment.
  • Choose from the best teach abroad programs. Pay attention to past participants’ reviews, your school and organization reputation, location, and your ease of getting started as a paid worker. Some schools or providers may even provide contact info for ambassadors or past participants if you want the REAL dirt. Here are more considerations to make as you figure out how to choose the right teaching job for you. Pro tip: You can use MyGoAbroad to compare programs side-by-side.
  • Plan your finances. Sort out funding before you go to afford daily essentials and splurge in travel (in addition to program costs and airfare). Do your research to have an idea of how to pay for teaching abroad.
  • Get prepared! You've done your research, chosen your program, saved up the money, and are entering your last weeks of life "at home" before you move abroad to find ESL teaching jobs. Well done! Here's our teaching planning timeline/preparation guide to help make this stage more fun and less stressful.
  • EFL teaching jobs are a safe bet

    EFL teacher jobs

    You’re ready to connect meaningfully with students (try REALLY hard not to play favorites, k?)!

    Ready to jump on the EFL teacher bandwagon? Hold your horses just yet! If you’re thinking of packing up and going on an ESL adventure, remember to research all your options very thoroughly first. Don’t grab at the first job opp and then start complaining a week or a month into your assignment because they’re paying you peanuts!

    Also, remember it’s a job at the end of the day so prep how to teach EFL with some core EFL teacher training. Once you’ve got that under your belt, get out there and conquer the English teaching world! Also, remember to enjoy yourself on the job. Your students will better appreciate a happy ESL teacher than one who’s worried about making rent or paying off student loans back home. Happy job hunting!

    Get Matched with 5 EFL Teacher Jobs for FREE →
